July 05, 2023

Letters of Recommendation For Law School

When applying to law school, letters of recommendation play a vital role in providing insight into your abilities, character, and potential for success in the legal field. These letters, written by individuals who can vouch for your qualifications, can have a significant impact on the admissions committee's perception of your application. 

Here are some important points to consider when obtaining and submitting letters of recommendation for law school:

1. Choose the Right Recommenders

It's crucial to select recommenders who know you well and can provide a comprehensive assessment of your skills and qualities. Ideally, these individuals should be familiar with your academic performance, work ethic, leadership abilities, and personal attributes. Consider professors, employers, internship supervisors, or mentors who can speak to your strengths and potential as a law student.

2. Request Recommendations Early

Give your recommenders sufficient time to write thoughtful and detailed letters. It's courteous to ask them at least a month in advance of the application deadline. This allows them ample time to reflect on your accomplishments and craft well-crafted letters that highlight your qualifications effectively.

3. Provide Relevant Information

When requesting a letter of recommendation, provide your recommenders with the necessary information to write a compelling letter. This includes your resume, academic transcripts, personal statement, and any other pertinent documents that can help them gain a holistic understanding of your background and aspirations. Additionally, provide specific details about the law schools you are applying to and their respective requirements or values.

4. Discuss Your Objectives and Experiences

Take the time to meet or have a conversation with your recommenders to discuss your goals and experiences. Share your reasons for pursuing law school and provide them with examples of situations where you demonstrated skills or traits relevant to the legal profession. This discussion can help them personalize the letter and emphasize specific aspects of your character and abilities.

5. Follow Application Guidelines

Adhere to the specific guidelines provided by each law school regarding the submission of recommendation letters. Some schools may require letters to be submitted online through their application portal, while others may accept physical copies via mail. Make sure to follow the instructions carefully and meet all deadlines to ensure your letters are received on time.

6. Diverse Perspectives

Having letters of recommendation from individuals with diverse perspectives can strengthen your application. Consider seeking recommendations from different areas of your life, such as academic, professional, or extracurricular settings. This will provide a well-rounded view of your abilities and character, showcasing your adaptability and interpersonal skills.

7. Provide Thank You Notes

Once your recommends have submitted their letters, express your gratitude by sending them thank-you notes or emails. Let them know how much you appreciate their time, effort, and support in helping you with your law school application. Maintaining positive relationships with your recommends is essential as they may continue to play a role in your future legal career.

8. Keep Recommends Updated

If there are any updates or changes to your law school application process, inform your recommenders promptly. Whether it's an acceptance, rejection, or a decision to defer enrollment, keeping your recommenders informed allows them to share in your achievements and offer ongoing support.

9. Follow Up with Recommenders

After you have been admitted to law school, it's a considerate gesture to inform your recommenders of your acceptance and share your gratitude for their contribution. Keeping them informed about your progress and achievements can foster lasting professional relationships and potential future networking opportunities.

Remember, letters of recommendation are an essential part of your law school application. Choose recommenders wisely, provide them with relevant information, and express your appreciation for their support. With well-crafted letters of recommendation, you can enhance your chances of gaining admission to your desired law school.

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